Dolgoon Khatayn

"Pouting old Man"

Profile Info:

•Age: Around his mid 40's, might be a bit older;
•Height: Around 2.60m
•Weight: ??? - Buff build
•Sexuality : Pan, but he's usually too busy pouting and growling; Does not see Lalafellians with any sort of sexual interest;
•Dom / Top - Details please ask in private; A Gentle Giant in essence,
•Relationship status: The Lizard found a Mate, one that brings to surface the sweetest of songs from the depths of his heart and soul.
Flings, dates, casual encounters and friends with benefit are acceptable, and he is also possibly open to new partners, as his relationship is an open one.
However, the devotion for each other runs with priority above all.
•Main job: Huntsman/Ranger, Storyteller, Sage;
•He looks very grumpy out of boredom if alone, but will engage in a conversation if talked to.
•Hobbies: Brewing and curing meat from his games.
•Old Auri tongue - when his speech is under "<< >>", that means he is speaking in Old Auri.
•Hingan/Doman - Fluently speaks and reads it.
•Common - Fluently speaks and reads it, but refuses to speak correctly - Old habits die hard.
•Ishgardian / Elezen - Knows very well how to speak it, but can only read the basic;
•Works as Host/Bartender at Ten no Ji
•Works as a Bartender at Spider Lilly's Shade
Homemade Brews
Homemade Charcuteries
If he has the RP tag off, I am OOC chilling and waiting for something. Please send a tell if you would want to RP if the tag is off. Otherwise I might not answer IC, neither turn the tag on.Hooks:
•Easy enough. You might have seen him pouting around. After or before a hunt. Or perhaps he is just reading a book, unlike his kin that usually stays away from them. It's not hard to interact with him, even if he looks not that inviting. Or maybe, you've seen doing a regular delivery of his own brews around the quicksand?
Uncommon:•If your character is a hunter:
You might have seen the exotic Xaela roaming the wilderness. It can be around Ul'dah, Ishgard, Gridania, even Limsa; He is a hunter of loose beasts that might be bringing instability to the ecosystem. And even if he says he's not that good, the fact that he is still alive even passing his 40's as a lone hunter.. That says otherwise. It might have been with silken clothes and bow and arrows.. It might have been with heavy armor and a gunblade at his back; Either works.
•If your character visits... underground venues:
You might have seen him around. Be with his Mate or alone, his wandering habits leads him to the most unexpected places. Be it a cult club that he accidentally wandered into, to a red light house, or even a club specific to ones who have peculiar tastes.. You might have seen his this very peculiar Xaela wandering around. He is rather inquisitive and filled with curiosity..
•If your character requires or works with...
Healing services:
Dolgoon is unofficially a Sage. Trained outside Sharlyan on Soumanotics, this Xaela can treat wounds, clean Aetherical corruption, deal with pains and also offer healing therapies in form of massages and other works. Other services requires more inquiry.
But one might have heard of him healing hunters on the deep woods of Gridania, lost soldiers on the cold hinterlands of Coerthas.. And he is quite good at it, with unique techniques.

About him:

Dolgoon is not a warrior, nor an adventurer. He is just a grumpy Auri past his middle age, who snarls an growls frequently when bored, and who for someone so grumpy, it is wildly expressive.A skilled huntsman, brewer of odd beverages, cooker, gatherer, and all those basic skills that helped him and his family survive as nomads.He is also a storyteller, but war is not what this old man is made for.
Likes to sits, pouts, growls and be careful, he bites ;)
Born at the Azim Steppe and member of one of the less known of the 51 clans there, the Khatayin, he was wed due to a deal between his elusive clan and a Raen family that hails from Doman territory.When he was around his mid 20's he moved away from his tribe with his late wife to Gridania, a few years before Garlemald invaded Doma.
His actual residence is a hut/lodge located on Coerthas, built a bit after the Dragonsong War ended, when he could finally end his nomadic lifestyle.
Currently he hunts games around all Eorzea, curing special meats and brewing weird alcoholics filled with uncommon ingredients. From three headed vipers to other deadly venom, he just enjoys doing weird brews. And sharing them to those brave enough to taste it.

Curiosities about him:
•He's usually pouting out of boredom. That leads him to just find a place to sit and reflect, and sometimes just snarls and growls.
•It is, actually, very talkative, but due to a long period of time under isolation and not being used to the western culture, he just stay on his own.
•His tail is unusually long for an Au'ra. It is in length about 210cm-220cm, more than two thirds of his height, strong and flexible. It is also extremely responsive to his emotions, whenever he wants it or not.
•His scales glitter with an uncommon purplish hue, akin to the characteristic purple tint of the Void; However; there is no trace of void corruption or enthralling.
•Will happily engage in any conversation regarding food, customs, culture, hunt, brews, and specially, storytelling. He can be flirty too, depending on who he's talking to.
•Can be seeing roaming around all Eorzea and different other realms serving barbecue for any passersby.
•During the emission of his family official documents when they requested for asylum on Gridania, his tribe name was misspelled by an customs agent from the Twin Adder. It ended up being his family official surname in Eorzea. Since the plea was vetoed, they decided to leave it as it was.
His homemade section portraits a bit about of what he sells whenever he has a chance to:
Homemade Brews
Homemade Charcuteries
The Big Lizard is also very fond of things Downy and Fluffy...

Special brews:

•Dreaming Viper

Dreaming viper is a highly alcoholic and hallucinogenic drink made with a special base.
Also known as Snake Wine, the alcoholic base is made with sugarcane. It is left to ferment for about a month in an airtight container alongside with honey and mint. The resulting fermented liquid is then processed and moved to a rosewood barrel, where the alcohol is left to age for 5 more years.
A three headed viper is placed inside of a sterilized bottle, usually a bottle that can hold between 1,5 - 3 liters, and it's filled to the brim with the liquid from the barrel. A special alchemic mix is bottled with it, and It's sealed and left to rest for 5 more years, until the amber liquid attains a dark golden brown tone. With the passing of years, the viper's venom loses its strength, until it's no more deadly, but as the potency to kill lowers, the hallucinogenic effect rises.
The drink is served in small shot glasses, and requires a roll (400+) for resistance. A fail leads to living dreams, hallucinations, and they get stronger and weirder as low as the roll goes, and more if the target insists on drinking more before its effects passes naturally.
Effects can vary from mild hallucinations about the target's surroundings to full blown hallucinations where the target might be trapped for a short while thinking it is another being.
Variations of this brew are available, made with Diremites tail and Rathalos poisonous flesh and claws.


Kumis (Airag) is basically a Milk Vodka, made with milk curd. The vodka is distilled from the curd that is left to boil and the condensation from it is what makes the vodka. It is either stored away after done, left to a later use, or served right away after distilled.
It is a drink usually served on celebrations too.

Charcuterie section:


Basturma is a cold pressed Charcuterie, a cured meat. Made with cuts of loin or sirloin of his own games, the meat is cleaned and thoroughly covered in a mix of spices featuring ground fire pepper flakes, fennel, paprika and salt. It is left to age in a prense made of stone and wood. After a half a month or so left there to compact, the meat then is left to hang dry in the cold weather for up to 12 months, until it reaches a fourth of it's original weight. It has a funky, meaty smell, it's tender and savory, carrying the taste of the spices that covers it. Can be eaten plain or on sandwiches. Due to this particular ageing method and spices covering it, there's usually no need to cut the corners before slicing the meat.

•Cured bird

This meat, usually made with a whole bird, is a special dry cured meat. It's carefully cleaned, rubbed on highly alcoholic spirits, salt and peppers.
The meat is left to dry hanged for weeks, carefully covered in a paste that contains salt and herbs.
At the final stage, the entire bird is smoked for a crispy skin before the meat is ready for consumption. It is usually served along with stews or simply thinly sliced and wrapped on green leaves like crispy lettuce.

•Sweet and Spice sausage

Cured meat made with a mix of spices and sugar. The meat and fat is diced and marinated on soy sauce, sugar, a special wine and finely ground fire peppers. When it's done marinating, the meat is ground and cased with a dash of honey, spices and pepper. The sausage passes on a secret cleaning method to avoid any mold and bacteria, and it's left to dry on air until the color inside is on a vibrant red.
Two versions are available. Boar and fowl based sausages.


Borts are dry cured meats made with long, thin strips of meat from a wild variety of animals. It's left to dry hanged in the ceeling of a hut, where the air can flow frequently. The meat is left to dry until it's almost crumbly, a process that takes some time months depending on the weather. Higly proteic, it can be used as a snack as a jerky beef but it's usualy ground into fine pieces and dust and used as travel rations.
Can be cooked in stews, bringing out the enhanced flavor of the meat. Doesn't have any spicy whatsoever, not even spirits or salt, and it is one of the highest protein snacks one can have while traveling.